Friday, February 13, 2015

Santa Anas

The wind blows hard today from the desert east of San Diego county. The offshore winds created some wonderful surfing conditions this morning at a beach that will go unnamed. As the temperature rises, I sit here listening to a wonderfully real band and considering my future. I know what my current is and I enjoy it for the most part. I feel as though my current position in San Diego is coming to an end, as the wind blows in feelings of change. I love being in this most Southwestern United States county, but I miss the grandeur that was and is the Central Coast of California. Everyone tells me that it will be there when I come back, and I understand that, without a doubt. But who is to say that I will. I want to be back in that big country. For instances, Big Sur hosts a mountain peak that rises 5,000+ feet within three miles f the Pacific ocean. Can it get much bigger?

I miss the people too. I will admit that I felt comfortable in the Central Coast area. This is not the only reason I want to move to this pristine landscape that is Monterey County. The history there is beautiful and filled with people that captured the history in writing, so beautifully at that.The coastline is stunning. The sunsets are mesmerizing. The close by towns and cities are eclectic and fun. San Diego has Mexico and a cool amount of towns throughout, but they are not as welcoming as I feel Monterey County is.

Also, I miss the wonderful business that I was working for before I moved to the corporate idea. The company was new and upcoming. In this year alone, I have seen amazing leaps and bounds and I wish, that for this past year I had been a part of this company, making waves in the large, and largely held by a few companies, hospitality industry. Just like AirBNB, I want to make those waves that mess with those large corporations. It makes them wince. It makes them scramble for answers, and I believe that is pleasurable. When something that has been held in regard for years and has been untouched is finally pushed off balance. How fun to watch the most powerful and rich trip and stumble.

This is my take, I am interested in making a move. I am making moves, waves, ripples. It doesn't matter how big, as long as it is in a direction I feel is right. 

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