Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Color Orange

Many people say that you can not rhyme orange with anything, well I beg to differ. There is no need to state the obvious answers becasue, they are too obvious. Lets get on to the real question being posed. What are seasons? Is it the feeling we get when the biological essence of nature shows its presence or is it just a way to keep track of time. In California, in the area were I reside, there are hardly seasonal changes. Its why I ask this question, because I dont feel the same as i did in spring of last year as I do now, maybe the different activities I was a part of was to blame but for the most part its just how we precieve everything around us, because of age or ethnicity. Ask yourself one day, how can we call it spring? Is there a spring in our step or what? Ive confused myself with this thought